Etsy, Home, life

January Planning, early spring clean and coming soon…

How'dy, hope you all okay and just about keeping a grip on things, or if not that you are at least keeping safe and well. I thought I would kick off January with my first blog post for the year, with a mini round up of what's happening and what's to come, so no more… Continue reading January Planning, early spring clean and coming soon…

Etsy, Home, life

And breathe…

My little Etsy store has gone on holiday mode, the last of my orders have been popped in the post and now I get to put down the sewing needles (sort of....) and finally I can take a moment to think about what I want to do for the next few weeks. I do want… Continue reading And breathe…

Embroidery, Etsy, Home, life, Showcase

Hope – A journey into the WIP pile

Like many crafters I have a work in progress pile, or WIP or the pile that shan't be named and I'll be honest it's a bit of a mystery as to what's in it and when I'll ever get to the bottom of it. Is there even a bottom to the pile? So, it's always… Continue reading Hope – A journey into the WIP pile

100 Days, clothing, Home, Inspiration, life, Quilting, Showcase

Not a 100 Day Challenge…a Confession

As you might have gathered my foray into undertaking a 100 day project / challenge, has somewhat fallen short of that target. I felt pumped to start it but after a couple of days I realised it just wasn't for me, even though the concept and the theme appealed I just couldn't get into. Sure… Continue reading Not a 100 Day Challenge…a Confession

Pink teacup on cyan background
100 Days, Home, Inspiration, Showcase

100 Days Challenge: Teacups Cometh

An adventure into challenging myself to create/doodle/design a teacup everyday for 100 days.

Embroidery, Home, Inspiration, life

An Unknown Adventure to being at Home

Several months pass and a new year and decade has arrived. One might say with a bit of a dull thud. Can't say this year has been very kind and even now as I write this it's hard not to feel a little overwhelmed with the current world crisis. However, with my new found time… Continue reading An Unknown Adventure to being at Home

DnD, Embroidery, Etsy, Home, Inspiration, Shopping

Roll for Adventure: New Dice Bags incoming…and mini Etsy rant

In which I show off my latest dice bag creations and rant about Etsy's latest announcement.